Installing an iStore Hot Water Heat Pump could save you up to $1,000* per year on your energy bills.
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How much will I save?
Heating hot water for your home accounts for up to a quarter of your electricity costs for the average Australian household.
The iStore reduces hot water heating consumption by two thirds from conventional electric or gas storage systems, while reducing CO2 emmissions by 4 tonnes.
Installing an iStore could save you up to $1,000* per year on your energy bills.
How it works?
- A fan draws in air, containing heat energy, across the evaporator
- The evaporator turns the liquid refrigerant into a gas
- The compressor pressurises the refrigerant into a hot gas
- The hot gas inside the condenser coil heats the water inside the coil-wrapped tank
- The refrigerant reverts back to a liquid after heating the water and continues to the evaporator for the process to start again
- The cycle continues until the set target temperature is achieved.
- As water is used in the home, the cycle will restart once the temperature in the tank has dropped below 45 °C

The iStore boasts 4 intelligent operating modes adapting to all situations, including a hybrid mode for when additional guests are staying in your home and a vacation mode for when you are away on holidays.

Optimal design
External wrap around ALL COPPER heating coil and dual anodes for superior system longevity.

Easy to install
The iStore is easy and quick to install.

Energy efficient
The iStore consumes approximately 500 W of energy per hour during the air-to-energy heating process

Energy savings
Heating water for the home accounts for up to 30 % of the total energy usage for the average Australian household. iStore can reduce CO2emissions by up to 4 tonnes.

Market leader
COP - The coefficient of performance is a ratio used to measure the efficiency of electricity consumption vs heating output. The iStore 180L has a PEAK COP of 6.85 which equates to 6.85 kW of heating output for every kW of energy consumed