Want to make the most out of your solar panels? If yes, upgrading them is one of the best decisions you can make. For homeowners currently having a 3KW to 10KW capacity solar panels can switch to 15KW or 20KW solar systems to generate more clean energy and keep their property powered round the clock.

Moreover, with new technological changes introduced every year, replacing your old model panels with modern ones ensures a consistent supply of fresh and energy efficient renewable power. As solar panels usually have a lifespan of around 25 years, getting them upgraded before they exhibit a degradation in performance can maximise your solar returns to a great extent.

Here are some things to keep in mind while upgrading a solar panel system:

  • Write Down Or List All Your Requirements

The foremost thing to consider is finding out how many solar panels you may need on your rooftop. You can consult a solar installer for the right guidance as this decision impacts the power generation capacity, costs involved in upgrading panels and also influences the overall solar maintenance costs in the long run.

Depending on whether you are planning a residential or commercial solar installation, you can decide what capacity panels you need as most of them usually are 80% energy efficient and produce power only during the direct sunlight hours.

  • Don’t Forget To Upgrade Or Replace The Inverter

When you have decided on the capacity you want your existing system to upgrade with, don’t forget about the inverter, as they are usually sized based on your panels’ electricity output.

In comparison to power optimisers and string inverters, micro-inverters make an ideal choice. They are more convenient than standard inverters and can easily handle any power surge in capacity.

  • The Size & Cost Of A Solar System Is Limited

Unless sticking to a specific capacity solar system is obligatory in your region, choosing the size of panels you want to install is totally at your discretion. To help make an easy decision, you can schedule a ‘network analysis’ by a power grid company at a decided cost.

They’ll investigate your solar panel voltage and distortion to help determine the size and capacity you should opt for.

  • Consider Adding New Panels On The Ground

In case, you are planning an upgrade but have limited space on the roof, opt for adding ground based panels that are a lot more accessible compared to rooftop panels. Ground panels are the best choice if you have adequate land space but limited roof space.

So, these were some of the common things to consider when planning to upgrade a residential or commercial solar panel system. If you are looking for a trustworthy and best solar company to assist you, Online Air and solar has got your back.